KATHARINA HOVMAN fashion is puristic, unconventional, bracingly lightweight and inspiring. A combination of feminine extravagance and understatement: Easy-going styling for breathtaking occasions, just as much as for every single irretrievable day. Highest-grade fabrics and materials displaying first-rate craftsmanship are characteristic for her clear-cut style. This signature lends the KATHARINA HOVMAN brand a reputation for the highest quality and value that extends far beyond any given season.
KATHARINA HOVMAN, founded in 1992 in Hamburg, starts off by presenting a summer collection. Over the following years the label is shown at fashion shows in Berlin, Paris, Milan, New York and Düsseldorf, consequently establishing itself on the international market.
In the summer of 2008, Katharina Hovman opens her flagship store in Hamburg.
Today she sources selected shops and department stores in over 15 countries.